
This website contains general information and documents regarding Jando Music, which are published for informational purposes only. All information, material, illustrations and documents contained in this website are protected by copyright laws and shall not be used without the express consent of Jando Music. All material published on this website is the exclusive property of Jando Music. Jando Music does not intend to, and shall not, provide any legal advice and/or legal opinion through this website. Accordingly, Jando Music shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that might derive from the use of this website and/or from the reliance upon the information contained herein.

On this page you will find a description of the procedures in accordance with which the information contained in the website is managed, with reference to the processing of personal data of the users who access this website. This information notice is also provided pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (so-called Personal Data Protection Code) to whomsoever will access the website. The information notice is provided with regard to the website only, and not with regard to other websites accessed by the user through links.

Following access to this website, data regarding identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The controller of such data processing shall be Jando Music, with offices in Rome, at Via Titta Scarpetta no. 4, 00153.

Any data processing operation connected with the Web services provided on this website shall be carried out at the offices of Jando Music, solely by employees, consultants, associates or partners of Jando Music in charge of the processing of data, or by persons entrusted with occasional maintenance operations. No data deriving from the Web service shall be disclosed or disseminated.

Web Surfing Data
The information systems and software procedures implemented for the operation of this website may acquire, during the course of their normal execution, personal data, the transmission of which is implied in the use of the Internet communication protocols. Such information is not collected in order to be associated with identified data subjects; however, due to its nature such information could permit the identification of users, through processing operations and associations with data held by third parties. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who access the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time at which the request is submitted, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the state of the reply given by the server (sent, error, etc.), and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and information environment. This data is only used to retrieve anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to control that it works properly. Such data will therefore be deleted immediately after being processed. Such data may be used to ascertain any liability in the case of any alleged computer crimes to the detriment of the website. Except in the case of an alleged computer crime, for the time being data concerning the access to the website shall be kept for no more than seven days.

Data Voluntarily Supplied by the User
The optional, express, and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the email addresses specified on this website shall imply the subsequent acquisition of the sender's email address, which is necessary for a reply to any request, as well as the acquisition of other personal data, if any, contained in the email.

No personal data of the users is collected by the website through the use of cookies. Such files will be stored in the memory of the user's computer to facilitate any subsequent access to our website. Cookies are not used to transmit personal information. Persistent cookies and user tracking systems are not used. The use of the so-called session cookies (which are not stored permanently in the user's computer or which are lost upon the closing down of the browser) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identification data (consisting of casual numbers generated by the server) necessary to permit the safe and efficient exploration of the website. Reception of this website's cookies can be interrupted by the user at any time by changing his/her browser settings.

Apart from that which has been specified above with regard to the Web surfing data, the user shall be free to supply his/her personal data in order to solicit the sending of information material or apply for any professional position at Jando Music. If the user does not supply his/her personal data, it may be impossible for him/her to obtain the requested information or for the submitted application to be evaluated.

Jando Music may process personal data either in paper format or by automated means for as long as is strictly necessary to achieve the objectives for which such data has been collected. Apart from that which has been specified above with regard to Web surfing data, any personal data supplied by any user who sends, to the email addresses published on this website, any request for information material or any application for professional positions at Jando Music shall be used for the sole purpose of sending the information requested or evaluating the application(s) submitted, and shall not be disclosed to any third parties, unless such disclosure is required by law or is strictly necessary for the fulfilment of the submitted request(s).

Should Jando Music need to process the personal data and information acquired through this website, the data subjects shall be entitled, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of their data, to know the content and origin of such data, and to verify its correctness or request that it be supplemented or updated or rectified (Art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003). Pursuant to the aforementioned article, data subjects shall also be entitled to request that their personal data be deleted, made anonymous, or blocked if the data is processed in breach of law, or otherwise to oppose the data processing in the presence of valid and legitimate reasons. Any of the aforementioned requests shall be sent by email to Jando Music, to the following address:

Jando© and Jando Music© name and logo are registered trademarks and properties of Jando Music S.r.l.

Founded in 2011, Jando Music is a company on the leading-edge
of the music business, specialised in music production and shows
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