Doctor 3
Canto libero
Danilo Rea | piano
Enzo Pietropaoli | doublebass
Fabrizio Sferra | drums
CANTO LIBERO (Jando MusicVia Veneto Jazz ) is the newest album by the most highly regarded Italian jazz musicians of the last two decades: DANILO REA on piano, ENZO PIETROPAOLI on double bass and FABRIZIO SFERRA on drums. Their artistic maturity gives them the freedom to interpret and add an original touch to the songs of one of the most influential Italian pop musicians: the legendary LUCIO BATTISTI.
His markedly original masterpieces let in ample space to play around with the notes that have captured Italian hearts and souls. Doctor 3, however, have always been masters of dynamic and fresh transformations with their refined and creative spark, yet careful to maintain the integrity and essence of the original feel, its inimitable identity.
This is a unique gift for those who cherish this singer/songwriter and an unexpected, joyous musical experience for those who aren’t familiar with Battisti. It is impossible not to experience every range of emotion when listening to this album.